Soul-Food - Cucina dell'Anima

Soul-Food - Cucina dell'Anima
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  • cookery

Nov 5, 2020

A culinary journey to Italy as a consolation for the winter time. Since a vacation is not possible at the moment, we would like to satisfy your longing for "Bella Italia" with good Italian cuisine.

Ravioli Ricotta, Zucchini e Gamberi con Salsa agli Agrumi e Zafferano (for 4 people)

300 g of flour (possibly 75 g of durum wheat semolina)
3 medium-sized eggs (organic or free range)
1 pinch of salt

Knead the flour, eggs and salt into a smooth dough and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

250 g ricotta
1 egg (organic or free-range)
150 g zucchini
150 g prawns (frozen or fresh, without shells and cleaned)
40 g Parmesan or Grana Padano
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt, pepper, nutmeg, lemon zest

Mix the ricotta with the egg and the parmesan with a fork. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg and lemon zest.
Cut the zucchini into very small cubes and sauté briefly in olive oil and then put in a bowl.
Cut the prawns into small pieces. Briefly fry half of it in olive oil in the same pan that the zucchini were in before. Leave the other half raw.
Let the prawns and zucchini cool down, stir into the ricotta mixture together with the raw prawns. Set the pan aside for the orange sauce.
Divide the pasta dough into several portions, gradually roll out thinly into 10 to 12 cm wide and approx. 30 cm long strips (preferably with the help of a pasta machine). Use a teaspoon to place the ricotta mixture on the dough approx. 3 cm apart. Fold the dough over and cover the filling. Use your hands to smooth the dough between the individual bumps and cut into individual rectangles with a knife. Press the edges all around with a fork and place on a floured work surface. Cook the finished dumplings in salted, boiling water for about 4 minutes.

2 oranges (blood oranges are particularly good, unfortunately these only have a very short season)
1 sachet of saffron
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp cornstarch
salt, pepper
1 pinch of sugar
fresh mint leaves (or leaf parsley)

Squeeze the oranges and bring the juice to the boil briefly together with the olive oil in the pan in which the zucchini and prawns were fried. Then transfer to a saucepan, add a small glass of water and heat. Add saffron, salt and pepper, bring to the boil again and thicken with the cornstarch dissolved in water. Then stir in the cold butter and remove from the stove. If necessary, add a little sugar to taste. Pour the salsa on the hot ravioli, sprinkle with chopped mint leaves or parsley and serve immediately.
A tip at the end: in the event that the tortelli are not consumed immediately, they can be blanched in boiling water for 30 seconds, drained on a kitchen towel and then frozen. Do not thaw the frozen tortelli but put them directly into boiling, salted water.

Eva and Jutta wish "Buon Appetito!"